After years of discussions around campfires, at action camps, and during tree sits, a group of individuals who share a collective belief in the principles of Deep Ecology and Earth-Centered Spirituality came together to form the Church of Deep Ecology. On Beltane/May Day 2018, we were officially recognized by the U.S. government as a religious congregation.
Deep Ecology is the belief that all forms of life have the right to exist with out fear of death from human interference in their lives and that no species holds more importance than another. Nature doesn’t exist solely for human benefit; rather, humans are a part of nature, one species among many. We believe that biodiversity is essential for the continued existence of the living Earth. As part of this biodiversity, humans must learn to live within nature, follow its laws, and accept our role as one species among many. We are committed to stopping global climate change, halting environmental destruction, and achieving true sustainability. This will require a fundamental shift in how we value the world around us. Nature must no longer be seen as a mere commodity to serve human needs and profit. We recognize that life on Earth is at a tipping point. The threats we face today are not only to human life but to all species—plants, animals, and the entire eco-sphere, with all its beauty and complexity. It is the increasing threats to the health of our ecosystems that drive us to act.
We believe the current problems are deeply rooted in the following:
- The loss of traditional knowledge, values, and ethics that honor the intrinsic value and sacredness of the natural world and prioritize nature’s preservation. The belief in human superiority over other life forms, as if humanity holds royal status over nature, leads to the notion that nature exists primarily to serve human desires.
- The prevailing economic and development systems that prioritize imaginary wealth over nature’s well-being. The conversion of nature into a commodity, the push for endless economic growth, and the industrialization of all sectors—from agriculture to forestry—are all fundamentally incompatible with ecological sustainability on a finite planet.
- The worship of technology and the blind belief that technological progress is inevitable and inherently good. This faith in technology has led us to overlook its negative impacts and left us in a passive state that undermines democratic engagement.
- Overpopulation, in both developed and underdeveloped regions, placing unsustainable pressure on biodiversity and the human condition.
- As our name suggests, we are inspired by the Deep Ecology Platform, which informs our work.
- Deep Ecology returns us to our roots—not just as modern humans but as members of something much larger. We believe that values beyond market-driven ones must be recognized, with nature providing the ultimate measure of human actions. We embrace Deep Ecology as a way of life rooted in nature, rejecting the greed-driven society that dominates our world today.
The Earth is not dying, is it being killed. You see it every day, everywhere you look, and you can’t just sit back and watch it. Direct action is vital to stopping environmental destruction and confronting corporate control. Direct action is taking personal action to directly improve your life, taking personal responsibility and living deliberately. Think of direct action as self-defense, defending yourself and the Earth against the forces that are destroying nature and wilderness. Remember, you are a powerful individual.
For Members of the Church of Deep Ecology, Direct Action is a form of worship. Whether you are blocking a bulldozer, pulling up GMO crops, teaching organic gardening to kids, or biking rather than driving, you need to fill your days and your nights with direct action. Direct action to save the Earth is deliberately working toward a vision of species in balance on a healthy living eco-sphere.
Learn to gather your own food. Walk to work, Eat Local, low on the food chain. organic food Turn off the lights, Read by candles you created. Plant a fruit tree, Barter instead of buy. Know the edible plants in your area, know what is rare and threatened, fight to protect and propagate it. Wake up with the sun,. Sleep when you are tired, Meet your neighbors, Turn off the computer or phone and find your favorite wild place, share it with new friends. Have a fire at the full moon and plan your next protest or action. Share your knowledge often, shut up and learn more often. Share food. Plan on winning. Recognize your privileges and use them to fight the system that gave you more based on birth or situation. Watch the birds, the insects, the trees, learn from them. Here is the most important part of taking ACTION. It is not just one thing, changing one light bulb is not enough. Get out there, and make change happen.